Error: Insufficient Memory.
Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space.
You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->erformance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory.
1648784 KB PrivateBytes(OS) 1276328 KB WorkingSetSize(OS), AvailPhys:102 MB(4%), AvailVirtual: 47 MB(2%)
Error: Insufficient Memory.
Please check the Virtual Memory Option and avilable hard drive space.
You can check them by going to : Control Panel->System->Advanced->erformance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory.
1593812 KB PrivateBytes(OS) 853704 KB WorkingSetSize(OS), AvailPhys:206 MB(9%), AvailVirtual: 101 MB(4%)